Videos and Lyrics of the immortal song Bengawan Solo - Tourism Indonesia


Monday, December 17, 2007

Videos and Lyrics of the immortal song Bengawan Solo

The immortal song of Bengawan Solo by Gesang is one of the most popular songs of Indonesia, known to many even outside Indonesia.

Here is a selection of some of the videos available from YouTube.

Country music album Friends Beautiful evergreen by legendary composer Gesang who still lives in Solo Indonesia....

Keroncong Asli Wassenaar 2007 Sundari Soekotjo...

Tuti Trisedya dari Indonesia.

Bengawan Solo (keroncong), performed by some Indonesians in Tempe at Indonesian Night, Nov 11, 2006, Memorial Union, Arizona State University

simple like "Wooden Heart", but I usually end up singing "Bengawan Solo", which they always know.

Nostalgian Bengawan Solo - Endang Setyawati...Nostalgian Bengawan Solo

great love song, using a jazz guitar instead of the classical guitar....bengawan solo guitar Keroncong Lagu Asli

Bengawan Solo is famous in Japan. This song is performed by PPI Nagoya with Angklung, a Sundanese traditional music instrument...

If you are interested in the lyrics, here it is:

Bengawan Solo
Riwayatmu ini
Sedari dulu jadi...
Perhatian insani

Musim kemarau
Tak seberapa airmu
Dimusim hujan air..
Meluap sampai jauh

Mata airmu dari Solo
Terkurung gunung seribu
Air meluap sampai jauh
Dan akhirnya ke laut

Itu perahu
Riwayatnya dulu
Kaum pedagang selalu...
Naik itu perahu

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