Baturraden Declared Central Java’s Best Tourist Destination - Tourism Indonesia


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baturraden Declared Central Java’s Best Tourist Destination

Baturraden, a nature conservation park located at the foot of Mount Slamet, won the award for best eco-tourism destination in Central Java. The Best Man-Made Tourism site award went to Bojongsari (Owabong) water tourism in Purbalingga. “We were judged as the best in the competition in Central Java,” said Baturraden Tourism Manager in Banyumas, Soedarto, yesterday. He also said that Baturraden was considered the cleanest and most comfortable tourist site.

The management of this site was also judged as the best among other eco-tourism destinations. Baturraden beat out Sodokoro, Karanganyar, and Alam Indah Beach in Tegal. "I was surprised when the site was announced as the winner,” Soedarto said. The 16,8 hectare tourist site, located 650 meter above sea level, is visited by 3.000 people daily during holidays or 140.000 people each year. “We contributed Rp 2,5 billion to Banyumas revenues,” he added. Owabong won the award for excelling in three criteria: service, cleanliness and hospitality.

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