Solo Seeks to Attract Two Million Tourists in Next Four Years - Tourism Indonesia


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Solo Seeks to Attract Two Million Tourists in Next Four Years

The Surakarta Government plans to increase the number tourists coming to the area to two million in the next four years. To achieve that target, they will establish the Surakarta Tourism Promotion Board.

“We also plan to have tourists stay in Solo for two days, up from 1.4 days on average,” said one of the promotion board member, Bambang Montosih, last Saturday.

Meanwhile, tourism business companies at the Association of the Indonesia Tours and Travel Agencies Surakarta (Asita), plan to do their campaigning in Bali. They want to inform tourists that Surakarta has not been affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi.

The Head of Surakarta Asita, Suharto, said that foreign tourists think Surakarta was affected by volcanic ash, like Yogyakarta. “But it seems Surakarta was affected by volcanic ashes only once,” he said.

The promotion campaign will be conducted from November 21 to 25. They chose Bali because it is visited by many foreign tourists.

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