Bank Indonesia Calls for Bali to Integrate Tourism, Agriculture and Culture - Tourism Indonesia


Monday, September 2, 2013

Bank Indonesia Calls for Bali to Integrate Tourism, Agriculture and Culture

Bank Indonesia is recommending to the government of Bali and the island’s tourism industry that tourism and agriculture be integrated.

In the Bank’s opinion, the integration of tourism and Bali’s endemic agricultural culture will create new destinations, such as the current trend for “tourist villages” (desa wisata).

Bali’s unique subak water management system is internationally renowned and forms an attraction in its own right for both domestic and international tourists.

Dwi Pranoto, the head of the Bali office of Bank Indonesia told a gathering in Denpasar that tourism clusters must form associations with tourism villages to promote Bali’s culture and agricultural tourism (agrowisata).

To date, Bank Indonesia in cooperation with banks on the Island, has managed to establish seven separate fully operating tourism villages (desa wisata).

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