Bali spirit Festival: March 5 - 16, Ubud - Tourism Indonesia


Monday, February 18, 2008

Bali spirit Festival: March 5 - 16, Ubud

Fusing the personal transformative process of a spiritual retreat with the ecstatic communal energy of a world music and dance fest, the BaliSpirit Festival offers a twelve day exultation of yoga, dance, music, the sacredness of Being, and the bliss of Being together.

BaliSpirit Festival is centered in the spectacular hill town of Ubud, Bali. With its lush tropical surroundings, deeply artistic & devotional culture, and world-class food, shopping and retreat facilities, Bali has been crowned "The Best Island in the World" time and time again.

Synchro-mystically, the BaliSpirit Festival is preceded by Nyepi, the Balinese New Year, when the island is lovingly suffused in a day-long offering of silence, fasting and prayer.

BaliSpirit Festival 2008 has been blessed with an array of amazing individuals whose vision, creativity, commitment, and hard work have led to this first ever Yoga, Dance, and Music festival in Bali – our offering of Love and Gratitude to the island and its peoples.

We are yogis and musicians, mothers and fathers, organizers and educators, artists and techno-geeks, business-people and people-of-faith. We are humbled by this opportunity to serve, and pray our efforts are a benefit for all sentient beings.

Where and When?

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